Saturday, April 4, 2009

Saturday summary...

Made the best of this Saturday by starting it by sleeping until 10 am. After breakfast I went to Grängesberg to change the tires on the car to regular summer tires. The weather was if possible even better than on Friday, decided to wash the ca again because it was even dirtier now after a week than after 3 month of winter driving.

After washing the car I located the summer tires and noticed to my horror that there was a big scratch on one of front rims! Not only that but they were dirty and had some kind of oil film on them so I had to wash them before exchanging them. After washing the wheels I had to roll them to the garage to change them, lazy as I am I tried to roll two at the time and of course I managed to "drop" one of them so it smashed on to the concrete plates and it got several big scratches on it!

Ghargh! I have try cover the scratches somehow with paint or something...

Well the car got clean at least and the summer tires is now on the car!
Funny thing, the summer tires makes more noise than the studded winter tires. :)

Before I got to Grängesberg my sister called and wondered if I were interested in to play Mah Jong today in Borlänge, called Robert and he thought it was a great idea, so after I was done with the car we got to Borlänge.
I managed to get most Mah Jongs but finally Robert won by score, I had a few great hands and it was close I won!
Hanna got a few great hands but it calmed down as the game progressed, perhaps the headache took out it's toll? :(

Well after three hours of Ma Jong we were hungry and decided to get some food.
Yes, I have got rid of the beard but I think I need another shave again... ;)
Still amazed how well ISO3200 turens out with the camera!
Since Robert won he had the good grace and pay for the food! Thanks Robert! :)
While playing Mah Jong I had the opportunity to try some of the beers I bought earlyer.

I started with the Saku Kuld, a very "easy" beer that was ok. Continued with the Zlaty Bazant, tasted slightly of "iron" at first but got better after a while, also a beer with little "taste". Perfect on a hot summer day.

Then I got to the Mariestad Påskbryggd that I had no expectations on and to my big surprise it was actually really good! Think I'm going to buy some more of it and store for a while!

When I got home I decided to give the Falcon Påskbryggd a chance but after the Mariestad it turned out to be a total disappointment. =(


  1. Spendrups is trying to make a tad more interesting beers with their Mariestad brand. But I did not even look at the easter brews this year, they tend to be regular lagers like the October brews. I'll sample the Mariestad Påskbrygd if I see it in a restaurant or so.

  2. So far the easter brews have been more like the christmas brews, perhaps a bit "lighter".

    Bought a 3.5% Mariestad Påskbryggd just to try yesterday but it tasted totally different.
