Friday, May 27, 2011

Blacksmith practice!

Today we had some activities as one of out colleges is about to leave for another employer and we wanted to do something extra.

We all got a try at making our own fire pitchfork! To do that we went to Smedjebacken, just a few kilometers south from Ludvika.

Outside the forge. On Ovako's factory area, Ovako is lending the premises to the club.
The furnaces, apparently this is one of northern Europe's largest permanent forges!
Some of the tools.
Demonstration of the forge and how to regulate the airflow.
Some instructions before some hand's on.
"Do not grab objects that doesn't look hot with your bare hands, the look might be deceiving!"
More demonstrations of the different steps.
We have never been this effective at work! ;)
One of the final steps, separate the material to two pieces at the ens to make the fork part.
Takes some effort to pound through the metal.
Sorry, forgot to shoot the most important piece, the result, but I'll try add that later! :)
All I can say, if you ever get the chance to try forging, take it! Already thinking about taking a course later on or perhaps join the blacksmith club.


The result:
It ended up a bit short since I wanted to make a proper handle, only for small fire places. :)
The fork part shape became a bit too roundish, next time...

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