Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Second Chance!

Been curious long time now of the trails that Falu Freeride Bike is buildning in Falun. The trail builders got influence from the successful trails that has been built in Glentress, Scotland.

There is one track that is considered finished, it's named "The Enemy Within" and a second one that is just about to be finished called "Second Chance", after visiting Glentress my expectations were high!

Parked near the Ski jump towers at the top of the hill and rode in to the forest, took a while but finally I found the three man strong crew that were working on the trail. The rest of the volunteers were to meet up later at 7 o'clock PM.

They managed to talk me into getting on the bike again and ride to the first trail, "Enemy Within" to try it out. There I met two other riders of which one had bought his bike the day before! :)
Trail head:
I had too much fun going down the trail so no photos, forgot it completely in the euphoria. :)
Too bad I was too tired to walk back up again so I only did one run, the track is narrow och tight with a few wooden "drops", it's considered to be a red track in terms of difficulty. Think the beginner I met at the top managed to get through it on his brand new bike. =)

No time to waste, back to the new trail!
On the short time I was gone there had been much work done, the trail was covered with dirt and some parts "stomped" with a machine. (not this one)

Met Nicklas who had been on the trip to Scotland, great chatting with him again, Peter who punctured his lung in Glentress was ok, glad to hear that!
Per had also showed up, working like a mad man! =)
One new builder, Anders, besides me showed up, he had just came home from a trip to Scotland and Glentress, suppose he was inspired to come and help after that! :)
Per shaping the berm.

Time flew past, suddenly the clock was way past eight, had to stay and chat some more while the builders had a short brake. Glad I bought separate par of gloves with me, they got quickly dirty from hauling rocks!
A fine result worth being proud of! Now I can say I too were there building it! ;)
I never did a complete run of the track but I did two runs from the top down to the buildning area at the end and a final run on the last part. The "Second Chance" will probably labeled blue, easier than the red one but the fun factor is still high!

No doubt about it, there will be many more visits to Falun!

Here's a confusing GPS-track I produced while beeing in Falun: