Thursday, January 14, 2010

Another planet!

Today it's been dull and gray, until shortly before lunch time, just had to go out and take some photos after I had my lunch, here's a few. Nikon D90 and Sigma 10-20mm lens.

At the parking place next to Gammelgården:
Cool.. :)
The birds managed to drop some snow right at me!
Gammelgården, Ludvika:
And then I took a few million shots of Bohemian Waxwings, will post some of them later...

One for the road. (?)


  1. The second shot is absolutely stunning!

  2. Thanks! I was glad when I looked at the potos afterwards that I had manage to capture some of the amzing scenery that took place that day. :)

  3. Could someone please pick up my jaw?
