Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday Ride IX

Wednesday again, and yet another ride, this time to Kyrkviken in Grängesberg,

To bad I didn't get a chance to get a shot of the mist that rose up from the asphalt on the bike lane when we rode out of Ludvika.
The sun was shining but it was so low that we were in the shadows of the trees long times, it was both moist and chilly! But the parts with sun was a joy! =)
After a inhuman climb we were at the top of Grängesberg, Grotfallet. Nice view from the top!
Just as I got up the hill and took a few shots they were asking if we could get started again!
After that it was more my game, going down most of the time! Wohoo! Down to the lake Hörken and Kyrkviken.
There we turned around and pretty much took the same road back up gain, luckily not all the way since we rode past Grängesberg city! ;)
55km in around 2h. GPS-plot and data:


  1. It's been a long time since I could join in on that fun. At least I did a 58 km soloride to Söderbärke yesterday, almost the same average speed. :)

  2. Nice, did you have fika in Söderbärke? :)
