Monday, December 21, 2009

Cold, both inside and outside...

Managed to catch a cold on Thursday, been home since then, tomorrow (Tuesday) my Christmas vacation starts, hopefully I'll be fine then but right now I'm still feeling less than ok, no fever though, thankfully!

To pass the time I have been watching movies, worked my way through:
-Inglorious Basterds
-National Geographic Mountain Bike, Freeride in BC
-Cloudy with a chance of meatballs
-Transformers, the revenge of the Fallen... ;)

Between the movies I have been editing some photos from this summer to get some variation.

These from a Happyride in Gotheburg, Vättlefjäll May 5, 2009:

The rest of the 100+ images can be found here:


  1. Nice summer pics! Quite different from what I just posted up :-)
    Get well soon!

  2. I can see that I'm in two of the photos but I have no memory of what you took photos of (except the wet splash).

    Cry on you!
