Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Blast from the past...

Well, not really that far ago, from earlier this year. Nemo, one of the Australian dudes put together videos from some of the trails!

Cresta part 1:

Cresta part 2:

Cresta part 3:

Ahhh... Makes me wish I was in Spain right now and not at work with thick gray mist outside of the window..


  1. About bleedin' time :-)

    "Makes me wish I was in Spain right now and not at work with thick gray mist outside of the window"

    Sure does. Men vad är väl en bal på slottet?

  2. Nice camerawork there Nemo. ;)

    Guess I don't have to rush my own editing of that then. ;)

  3. Looks like it's three months since he uploaded 'em. How the hell did you find it? :D

  4. Micke: Inte bra med nerförsabstinens i november...

    Tobbe: Hehee... How I found them? I got a mail with the right word to search for in youtube. :)

    Sent Nemo a mail a couple of days ago to see if I got the right address and apparently I did!
