Will be interesting too see what price tag there will be on the iPad in Sweden, the photo app seems really sweet and is almost a reason by it self to get one, not to mention how well Bejeweled 2(3?) might run on it! That poor glass will be grinded useless in a few months! :)
Fast forward to the end, that speed impresses me most.
This will for sure be the most misunderstood device since MacBook Air...
Quit work early today, hoping to get out on a short bike ride while it still was some daylight outside.
The weather services had been warning all day about the approaching snow storm, but by noon there was just some minor snow fall so I decided to skip the lunch ride to save it til the afternoon. After lunch the snow really started to pour down and in just a few hours something like 10 cm of snow fell down! Was starting to regret my decision.
Well, decided to go out anyway, one have to make the best of fantastic weather like this! ;)
There had been some tree cutting along the train track to protect the track from fallen trees, they had filled the bike lane with all the rubbish that was left behind, thanks for that! Had to push my bike up a trail in a small forest area just to try to bike down again, it was sketchy! Did it only once... Took refuge from the snow under a small bridge. Had some snow stuck in the beard. Ludvika by night (evening). Tried to force my way through a snow wall but got stuck... Another beautiful photo of me when I finally got home. Another ride to think back on in the summer when it feels hard or tough! Had to work for every meter, can count the free ones on my left index finger! ;)
Another dull day, decided to take the Pug and go out and look for some snowmobile tracks and try out if they are hard enough to carry me and the bike.
First trail looked promising!
There was a thin layer of loose snow on the surface but just enough to make the progress a bit slower and putting extra strain on the legs. ;)
It was the usual climb up the hill. There seems to have been some log cutting and thinning of the forest.
Looks colder than it felt. =)
One of the forest machines.
It was like a tunnel through at some places.
A slope going sown finally! Had to let out quite a lot air from the tires to get some steering abilities in the loose areas.
Realized I was better off turning back and on the way back I met a snowmobile. Looks like the sign isn't visible from the other direction...
On the way back I got to ride down the hill where I had made my way up, there had been some vehicles on the road so the surface was hard and I managed to get some respectable speed! Enough to feel the cold wind! :)
A woodpecker at a junction where I took another Snowmobile track in to the forest.
I could pass under most of the trees over the trail but this one was really low and I can imagine it was a problem for the snow mobiles too so I decided to get rid of it.
This was was slightly looser but still manageable, walk where it was too steep to pedal, If I had some stamina and strength there had been no problem to ride the bike. Gave up after a few kilometers and went back down again, this time on the bike!
The ride took almost two hours total, effective time was slightly over an hour. ;)
After watching the Down hill world Cup on MPORA (DirtTV) I got a bad case of Havetobikusrightuwayus so I decided to take my bike go and check how bad the snow was at the LAST.
Had to lube the chain since I hadn't touched the Reign after the last ride, when ever that was, but after that I was good to go! Didn't even bother to bring any water with me. "It's just a short ride".Yeah, right...
It was somewhat late in the afternoon and the clouds didn't make the day lighter, a light snow fall was in the air. The climb isn't really that long or steep but with yesterdays bike ride still in fresh memory in my unfit legs I was breathing like a pregnant hippo. Had to stop a few times to take some photos... ;) Didn't really have any use for a full face helmet but with the cold wind and snow it was no burden. Right before I got to the trail head I heard and felt something strange from the bike, looked down and the rear suspension had totally collapsed, too little air in the suspension and the cold weather made it to bottom out, got off the bike and adjusted the rebound to fastest setting and after a few minutes of jerking I got some acceptable suspension back again. I was prepared to drag the bike the first part because of the snow and my suspicion was correct. The snow was really deep outside the path but since it was so loose it hardly gave any resistance! Once and a while it felt like I was very far from any civilisation! After walking for at least 10-15 minutes I managed to sit on the bike and roll down a few meter of trail, and by now I really didn't feel like turning back and drag the bike up hill so I kept plowing through the snow with the bike. After passing a small forest area I was out on the second area of deforestation, now my heel started to ache, not from the cold but from the fact that the shoes was way to small to accommodate the thick stockings I had but on them... Perhaps that was the reason for the resolute look in my eyes, and now I was wearing out. Finally I reached the steeper trail and actually managed to bike for at least 100 meters! ;) After some short pushing I got the longest coherent ride so far, didn't bother to stop and document it once getting speed it was just a matter to keeping it up! After almost 40 minutes of pushing the bike through the snow I was out of the forest back on the road. The bike lane ride back home felt like a downward sloping road, I was so effortless to pedal! =) Well, I badly needed the exercise but a few hundred meters of usable trail wouldn't have hurt!
Late on Friday evening I get a message on the phone, Tobbe wonders if I'm interested to join him on a bike trip to Grängesberg where he will visit his brother, I call him back and wonder what route he's about to take. The plan is to follow the bike lane to Blötberget and from there use the regular roads. Well, we agree I call Tobbe the next day before he plans to start and tell what I'll do.
I'm not short of bikes but I couldn't decide which one to take, the Puglsy is geared for off-road terrain and I would have to pedal like crazy to keep up, I'm not so keen to take the Reign, salt on the roads and no spike tires, I ended up using my old commuter bike, the Univega, no disc brakes and single speed but at least it's more appropriately geared for the road and frankly I don't care if it's exposed to the corrosive salt. =)
My choice for the day. The temperature was around -5C and modest wind.
We headed off to Grängesberg from Tobbes place, going under the road...
Passing past the pier and view over Väsman.
A short stop at one of the office buildings at ABB:s factory area, here the brick wall had collapsed due to the weather lately, some one has been using cheap plaster!
Here I also took the opportunity to get some more air in to my tires that almost looked flat, still more than 20km to go and I not that fit! :)
The heat plant, probably going on low heat now compared to the cold that's been earlier!
On the first part of the bike lane:
Ginormous icicles this year also at the rocks.
Gray, gray and then some more gray...
Managed to get past Tobbe and take a photo from the front.
After a while we had to abandon the bike lane due to the snow, after Blötberget they stop plowing and we headed out to the road. Slightest up hill and the speed dropped significantly!
Fortunately the time on the regular road was short since there was a "shortcut" over a forest road, unfortunately it was narrow and the traffic to the ski tracks was high.
On a crossroad we decided to take the longer route but after less than a kilometer the road wasn't plowed as well as in the beginning so we had to turn around. :(
After taking the other route Tobbe continued towards his brother and I went to pay my mother a visit.
The cul-de-sac at the end of the ride clearly visible in the lower left corner, perhaps it was for the best? :)
I phoned ahead so when I arrived at my parents place there was a hot sauna waiting for me! As if that wasn't enough I got a delicious hot meal and some dry change.
Tobbes girlfriend Anki was kind enough to give me a lift back to Ludvika, Tobbe didn't seem that disappointed to miss a bike ride back to Ludvika, even if he tried to sound a bit disappointed in the warm car. ;)
Thanks for the company!
And to compensate for all lost calories Tobbe and Anki invited me for supper later that evening, a huge home make pizza took care of that problem and to be on the safe side it was accompanied with a few excellent beers!
Started with a Brother Thelonious before the meal, a Double Bastard with the pizza, after that a 2007 Chimay and for the grand finale a Rochefort 10!
Not easy or cheap to be a beer nerd, four different beers, four different beer glasses. :) Thanks again for the food and beer!